Thursday, May 6, 2010

India Infrastructure Reports

The India Infrastructure Report is published annually by 3i, and contains articles and essays by experts on the latest trends and issues in the Indian infrastructure sector. 

The 2009 report deals with land acquisition and R&R, which is fast coming up as one of the major factors in project risks and execution cost, for both private sector projects and government aided PPP projects. Recent land/R&R controversies that come to mind are the Narmada dam issue, Tata Nano in Singur (West Bengal), Vedanta Steel.

The 2008 report is an excellent read for people wishing to get a feel for the PPP models applied in different infrastructure sectors such as roads, power, airports, ports, etc.

Keep an eye open for the 2010 report on this space (not here for another 3-4 months, I reckon); I'll put it up as soon as I find it. But till then, the 2009 & 2008 editions are well worth the read.

India Infrastructure Report 2009:
India Infrastructure Report 2008:

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